2D 手繪風 - Part One


hand drawn lighting effects

Salesman Pete from Salesman Pete on Vimeo.

colorscript 是建模上材質的地圖

Playing with light - Mon ami le robot from Cube Creative on Vimeo.

優勢: 扭曲變形異想空間

Aerial dog fights

PATHS OF HATE long trailer from Platige Image on Vimeo.

現代舞 + 手繪動畫 + 感情世界 + 不受拘束的線條

Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.

剪接: 轉場的構圖

1. 燈塔光束, 刺刺的形狀
2. 光打到岩石上, 岩石的變色
3. 簡單俐落的造型

1. 每ㄧ個鏡頭: 雨點的 - 大小, 室內, 室外聽起來的聲音 - 都給人不同的感覺
2. 感動來自最小的東西, ㄧ些生活化彼此細微互動
3. 非常漂亮的場景設定

小人物, 小人物的小孩, 沒有東西的主人
小人物, 默默無聞, 垂死的生命, 迫害, 再ㄧ次的迫害
它們不是, 雖然他們是
它們不說語言, 只有方言
它們沒有文化, 只有民俗
它們不是人類, 只是人力資源
它們沒臉, 只有手
它們沒名字, 只有數字
小人物, 比殺他們的子彈還不如

The nobodies, the sons of nobodies, the owners of nothing.
The nobodies, the no ones, the nobodied, chasing the hare, dying of life, screwed, rescrewed:
That are not, even though they are.
That speak not language, but dialects.
That profess not religions, but superstitions.
That make not art, but crafts.
That practice not culture, but folklore.
That are not human beings, but human resources.
That have no face, but arms.
That have no name, but a number.
That figure not in universal history, but in the red pages of the local press.
The nobodies, that are worth less than the bullet which slays them.


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