[life] texting 101

There are only 4 types (steps) of texts
  1. Silence 
  2. Shit test 
  3. Logical 
  4. Positive
These 4 steps work with the most people
The key is to know which step you are at, and act accordingly

1. If silence
  • give value
  • don’t ask questions
  • send text that don’t require answers
2. If Shit test
  • just pass it, don’t make plans 
  • don’t ask questions
3. If at logical phase
  • this is required normal chatting phase
4. If at positive phase
  1. start making plans sequentially
  2. don't make too specific plans too fast
  3. ask first, are you adventurous 
  4. ask second, what's your response to witty banter with a man 
  5. ask third, what’s your schedule like this week 
  • texting needs patience, that's how I failed before
  • texting needs flirting, but don’t over do it, needs calibration
  • always follow up flirting text, with mysterious maybe, not no, not yes text
  • don’t try jumping steps, even if jumping steps worked before, because everyone is different
  • sometimes you need to make many many mistakes before you understand something


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