[movie] notes 6

Cobra Kai S4E1
  • start from a low point:
  • two teams not connecting (eagle fang and miyagi-do)
  • two people not connecting (johnny and mom)
  • two people not connecting (kreese and terry)
  • good ending, two people, both student becomes the teacher. robby is the teacher of cobra kai, all the kids of eagle and miyagi build the okinawa sparring deck

Boba Fett S1E2
  • how put together an episode:
  • [perspective] told from tusken raiders perspective, humanizing them
  • [other sources] draw from comic and cartoon characters : pike syndicate, black krrsantan, the hutts
  • [familiar tropes] train robbery is a western trope
  • [commentary] add social commentary : pay money to the native land when train crosses the desert

  • [narrator] there is narrator, so it is told from the future, when all these real life events have already happened
  • [create conflict] pablo wants to go back to prison, then, the president wants to put 1.4 million on pablo's head, and the president isn't willing to negotiate, this creates conflict between the president and pablo
  • [create conflict] one last girl left to kill, the girl that the taxi driver really likes, and even more salt on wound, pablo even tells taxi driver I don't like rats
  • [commentary] one blow is six lives
  • [theme] I am not going to run like a rat, after escaping from prison, pablo says
  • [contrast] latin ballad, pablo dancing with his wife, his men are out to kill all the police
  • [camera] phone is ringing, starts at wide shot, slowly zooms in on the phone, from far away, this sets a dreadful tone
  • [perspective] general carillo is the villain in pablo's eyes, carillo showed deadly side in ep3, ep4, there is a game within a game, a setup behind a setup, pablo plays carillo back

Jo Pil-Ho
  • [start from a low point] start with the mission going south, mystery genre kicks in, why it went south
  • [use surrounding] the surrounding, the sudden falling building, can have drama, that serves the story
  • [physical comedy] one guy grabs two girls, one girl sits on guys back, one girl bites his feet

The Father
  • [perspective] use scene and camera, to show perspective of a person

Danger Zone
  • [say the bomb will go off first] lawyer says : if a cop goes out alone, she will be in danger. Next scene, the cop goes out alone.
  • [mis direction is direction] let us think the young officer is accomplice, but actually the not focused person is accomplice.
  • [empathy] after the older accomplice is presented as the killer, next scene lets us sympathize with him, shows the sympathetic side of the old accomplice, his children, so it is a emotional rollercoaster
  • [intention] the woman killer really wants to be a mother, this is her motive, it is very clear
  • [editing for maximum effect] ep12, first show sentence win, then show sentence progress, the win is a twist, the progress is also a twist
  • [insert high octane scenes] car chase, people running from one another, action is not seen that much in Taiwanese productions

Legal High
  • [mixed up characters] the lawyer was going to propose to someone, a different person barges in, this is shown through a sequence of actions.

  • [motif - fakeness] cut between real thing, cut between rehearsal of a speech, so the real speech is fake, it's funny, it is re-emphasizing the faking theme, it's over the top, which is also in line with the theme of the movie, the rock floating is a metaphor for fakeness
  • [motif - up down visuals] the up stairs , down stairs motif, the up mountain luxury house, down mountain slum motif

  • [plant seed, flower opens later] Shang chi's narration on the plane, is to explain past relationship with his sister, this is seed, later this is flower opening, Xia ling's thoughts during the fight, is motive, to beat his brother, because he left him, this goes full circle in the end, when she says let go, Shang doesn't let go

Bohemian Rhapsody
  • [plant seed, flower opens later] father doesn't except son, in the end, finally father accepts son, in the at home tea scene. Freddy says will blow mother a kiss, in the end, on stage, he really does blow mother a kiss, and then camera cuts to mother, mother is touched


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