[life] [pin] [important] re-organize all bullet points


  • self amuse (fun, flirty, misinterpret)
  • show value (show my interesting life)
  • don't give pressure, don't try that hard (trying too hard cheapens my value)
  • don't give away free attention (establish attraction first)
  • don't explain the joke (explaining lowers value)
  • trying a couple times is mandatory
  • keeping attraction, aka chemistry, means my masculine vs her feminine frame, aka dominance
  • falling in love (obsession) comes from absence, disqualifying, tension
  • falling in love (obsession) comes from her own thoughts, not something you do
  • to stand out, do not give free attention, my attention is my only currency
    preemptive, ask for a favor, to get the power back, this is counter intuitive but it works
  • admit sexual attraction is good (don't admit love)
  • fun and flirty vibe is good (white knight loving vibe is not good, it is a turn off)

learning period

  • chess game, think about her reaction, strategize, then act (strategize, means study all this first then react)
  • jealousy and frustration are good, can't be afraid to do that, there needs to be up and down moments to create love

shit test

  • emotionally unresponsive is key
  • I have no response to that / I think so too
  • agree and exaggerate


  • have a interesting life, for yourself (and also for others to join)
  • always be willing to walk away and move on, this is abundance

get her to chase

  • she pulls back, you pull back
  • but even better, preemptive, pull back availability first
  • when text or situation is good, preemptive, pull back first, because I am screening


  • not will she like me, but will I like her : so don't pedestal, don't please, don't validate
  • be happy alone, always be ready to be alone, so you are not afraid to offend or stand your ground when needed


  • steps, soft close, before hard close
  • assume attraction, we should do xyz
  • assertive, make something happen, closing is necessary, need to close, yes, but don't close on a bad note (steps)

raise attraction on the date

  • give uncertainty (because uncertainty is attraction)
  • give uncertainty means don't validate, don't let her have her way, so she wants your validation, this will lead to the bedroom

human nature

  • we all don't like games, but you have to keep gaming, that is just human nature
  • understand female nature, don't get mad, accept it and play the game correctly
  • female nature means she will always test, always stop you, always pull back, just keep gaming correctly
  • hypergamy will work for you, if you become full stack


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