[life] SR bullet points 2

inner game
  • self acceptance is the first thing you need to do

  • respect first, love second, this means boundaries first
  • respect means having the ability to walk away


  • use plotline, callback, and story to initiate touch playfully
  • each escalation point is a check point, if she doesn't feel weird, escalate to the next one, if she does, back off (calibration)
ask out
  1. how you make her feel is key
  2. bring up the activity, in a fun and visual way
  3. invite her to come creatively
  4. specifics
  • male energy (just being a male is good enough for attraction)
  • take the shit test and all her questions light heartedly (counter my innate seriousness) (means all the questions can be rolled off) (being an alpha lover with options is a good thing) (admitting attraction is ok)
  • sexual vibe (counter my innate non sexual vibe) (fragrance) (dance and spin) (eye contact) (close proximity) (hold hand) (you are attractive)
  • get to know who she is, respond to who she is in a fun and flirty way
  • get out of reactionary (good or bad) headspace
  • don't jump on good reactions (kiss, touch, praise, sex) too fast, pull back, and slow down
  • comfort first, then man to woman
  • same as writing a script, emotion is key
  • skip the boring talk, fast forward to exciting stuff
  • end on high note, like a cliffhanger
  • less is more
  • keep the tension
  • spot the explanation coming in the conversation, don't explain
  • spot the validation coming in the conversation, don't validate
  • spot the shit test coming in the conversation, pass it
pull back
  • if she is too logical, too cold, pull back, initiate later positively, don't show off centeredness, break pattern
female nature
  • why neediness is a turn off - woman subconsciously want someone to take care of her, not the other way around, because in the old ages, when she gets pregnant she needs to be taken care of, she can't be taking care of the baby and the man
  • just accept female nature, and everything that comes with it, she is just trying to survive
  • rejection and coldness (everything) is just a shit test, playfully persist
  • a maybe is not a defeat
  • callout or takeaways should only be use on second or third tries, not on the first sign of non compliance
  • its not black or white, it's grey, anything is ok, no such thing as being stuck
  • when her interest starts going up, you should go up too, but keep it a little lower than her's, don't go boom, higher than hers (I made this mistake)
  • take control and responsibility of the relationship, woman want to be lead
  • don't validate, see if she sticks around, if she does, it's coming from desire and not validation
  • if she knows the ending, it’s over
  • challenge her, build up her investment
  • express oneself, don't prove oneself
  • accept oneself, I am ok with myself as is
  • I am a man in itself and how it relates to feminine energy is already enough
  • you cannot gain attraction with more attention
  • don't jump on good reactions
  • she likes you, don't like her back that fast
  • you have to fully know the product, to reject it, if a woman doesn't know who you are, she cannot reject you
  • if you are a sales person on a street, and someone rejects you, there is no point of crying about it
  • if after rejection you are defeated, is like a person who is born poor, thinks his whole life is worthless
  • rejection is not about you as a person, most of the time, rejection is about herself, she may have something she needs to do, she may have met someone new
  • woman have natural protection mechanism, she has to reject you, in order to weed out the weaker people, the only ones that have persistence are the ones that will make it to the end
  • don't take defense, explaining, take the offense, I don't like you are being dramatic, set the rules
  • don't reward bad behavior, with trying to please her
  • don't be reactive, don't get off centered


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