[vfx] work notes 6

FG and BG exposure

  • BG explosion behind FG character, if BG explosion is exposed correctly with detail and mid tones, the FG character in front would be a black silhouette.
  • If FG character in front is exposed with detail and mid tones, the BG explosion behind would be blown out, all white.

Facial interactive light from flashing spell using 2D comp treatment

  • When pulling out spell caused light interactive color on character's face, you need to pull out the specs on the face as well.

2.5 D comp fix for flickering bricks using camera projection

  • Bricks are flickering in the render, roto and frame hold one frame of the flickering brick, use 2.5D (camera / scanline render) to paste back this one frame non flicker brick to cover over the flickering part.

Atomic is empty

  • This usually happens when you open someone's else scene, and the atomic data is not copied over.
  • To fix it, from Atomic directory, copy the .atom file for the corresponding scene to your directory, the name of the atom file should match your scene file name.

Avoid texture cloning

  • Repetitive texture cloning, like 3 dots in a row, visible on the left and also visible on the right, that look like clones, is not good, need to randomize it.

Mimic real camera bokeh

  • real camera bokeh, the highlights are hotter and they bloom
  • convolve node can connect filter to a pentagon shape, like real camera pentagon bokeh
  • zdefocus node can make the highlights hotter and bloom like real photography,
  • zdefocus node also has different filter shapes, like the pentagon shape similar to convolve setup
  • zdefocus node can add ramp and focal point to have gradual defocus effect

camera shake

  • big impact (like two spells colliding) on screen needs to add 2D camera shake


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