[vfx] work notes 2

  • Use actual shot cam to review and iterate look dev and environment updates.
  • Brick should break like brick, glass should break like glass, wood should break like wood.
  • If there is a neutral grade on the plate, there needs to be a neutral grade on the cg spheres.
  • Send email to team for shot grouping, for other department clarification, and to let others post problems.
  • Crowd needs to have offset for each shot, not keep on looping same action for each shot.
  • Ask how was the farm last night.
  • Review environment and character spec map, and diffuse map, one by one.
  • When update is broken, important way to debug is revert back to old look dev.
  • Sometimes environment needs to be one-off, for example mountain geo, it needs to work for this angle, but it might not work for other angles.
  • When matching plate and CG, think red, green, or blue, which side is it closer to.
  • Goals of the week.
  • Clothes need to drape, not have wind in them, for example coat tails shouldn't fly up by itself when the character is walking.
  • Why are there so many reflection boards on set? Because bottom of roofs need to get light too.


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