
Showing posts from October, 2011

Notes about : what if / in the mind of the character / things go wrong

[ 概念 ] 改變類型 - 把本來是劇情片的故事變成喜劇, 或驚悚片的故事變成喜劇. 改變性別 - 把本來是男生主角的角色變成女生 想概念最重要的字是 "what if" “假如“ - 如果彼得潘長大了會是怎樣 - is the movie hook [ 恐懼 ] I believe in putting the horror in the minds of the audience, instead of up on the screen 把恐懼放在觀眾心中, 而不是在螢幕上 [ alembic ] hand out results - not recipe baked geometric results reference implementations - 廠商幫忙寫 disk space saving - data de-duplication - 對重複模型,只寫一次 (different from instance, no user interaction) heavy file can stream 10 frames per second [ Rise of the Planet of the Apes ] (fxguide interview) retargeting points - because human bones different from apes. replace human actors hand with digital hand to interact with ape digital hand. rendering - blink moisture specular detail on the eyes anatomical detail. animation - how far were you going? motion capture data not enough for eyelid shapes, eye tracking from motion capture, have a sense of direction, like looking at enviroment. facial rig for eyes, st...