Notes about : what if / in the mind of the character / things go wrong

[ 概念 ]

改變類型 - 把本來是劇情片的故事變成喜劇, 或驚悚片的故事變成喜劇.

改變性別 - 把本來是男生主角的角色變成女生

想概念最重要的字是 "what if" “假如“ - 如果彼得潘長大了會是怎樣 - is the movie hook

[ 恐懼 ]

I believe in putting the horror in the minds of the audience, instead of up on the screen
把恐懼放在觀眾心中, 而不是在螢幕上

[ alembic ]

  • hand out results - not recipe
  • baked geometric results
  • reference implementations - 廠商幫忙寫
  • disk space saving - data de-duplication - 對重複模型,只寫一次 (different from instance, no user interaction)
  • heavy file can stream 10 frames per second

[ Rise of the Planet of the Apes ]

(fxguide interview)

  • retargeting points - because human bones different from apes.
  • replace human actors hand with digital hand to interact with ape digital hand.
  • rendering - blink moisture specular detail on the eyes anatomical detail.
  • animation - how far were you going? motion capture data not enough for eyelid shapes, eye tracking from motion capture, have a sense of direction, like looking at enviroment.
  • facial rig for eyes, studying chimps, upperlids and brows were very important.
  • close-ups have to work, only enough resources, have to let go of the wide-shots.
  • difference of eyes between the apes? the length between the eyes is different, human eyes iris and white different from ape, difficult to read where they were looking, as film progresses make the eyes of ape more human.
  • DOP andrew linsei - try to light andy serkis the right way, HDR, refrence photos
  • fur? how to to do the real lighting? cheat rim, try to imitate the real lighting
  • hands? leathery hands, not fake sub surface scattering, same shader with face and hands but use matte for regions, displacement maps on the hands, how the highlight is broken up

【J⁺】特效總監 Dan Lemmon 錄音專訪

Q: 眼睛的動畫是如何製作的?

A: 動態捕捉的資訊只足夠表現眼睛的方向, 跟ㄧ些細微瞄眼動作. [上眼皮跟眉毛] 資訊不夠, 必須靠 facial rig (臉部控制器) 製作. 模型製作上參考許多真實猩猩, 也把ㄧ點點演員 Andy Serkis 的臉部特徵加入, 對調動作有很大幫助. 在有限資源下, 也告訴自己ㄧ定要把特寫鏡頭作好, 把臉部細節作好, 必需有取捨, 只能放棄ㄧ些遠鏡頭

[ 飛狐外傳 ]


[ The Incredibles ]

Mr. incredible yells at kid on the drive way staring at him "what are you waiting for!"
kid says, "something amazing i guess."
Mr. incredible says, "me too, boy, me too."

[ 連城訣] 

  • After practicing kung fu the protagonist nose and eyes are more agile
  • Let person say something first that is totally out of place, and dont explain why, try to create curiosity in audience (later on will find out why the person said those things, and acted that way)
  • Difference between two people, after 5 years of prison, (A) person can still run good, (B) person cannot, means (B's) kung fu is not as good as (A's)

[ 蔣勳 ]


[ 設計展之攝影 ]

When you are focusing on a subject, but suddenly there are other things around the subject that become more interesting then the object, or add to the object being photoed, like a woman looking at the vase or a kid looking at the car, put them in the photo, don't cut them off.

[ 爆炸 ] 

In the normal setting of a class, there is teacher, student, mother.  These normal characters can have archetypes.  There archetypes can be: friend, villain, attractor, seducer, joker...etc

[ Super 8 ]

  1. Ally doesnt want to do the film with Joe
  2. Joe comes over to her house
  3. Ally still doesn't want to film with him
  4. Ally's father comes home, tells Ally your not going to his party.
  5. Ally closes door and goes in
  6. Ally peeps out again, says: "ok, ill do it"

[ Crazy Stupid Love ]

Man makes a Surprise for the wife for a man and wife reunion, everything is going great, should be a happy ending - but suddenly things go wrong, and it turns into a big messy fest of - lies, fighting, revelation.

[ The Third Man] 

The crowd accusing Joseph Cotton (Holly Martins) is the killer, he gets in a unknown car speeding him off to an unknown place, people look at him with fear in there eyes, when he arrives at the place, he is scared and wants to escape, suddenly he is greeted by an old man, he finds out its only a book lecture he promised someone before.

【落日車神 - 無聲房中的ㄧ根落針】

看完落日車神 ( Drive ) ,電影很好看,但最愛的是他的配樂,這部片的配樂低調,主角對白少,聲音也安靜,都感覺若有若無。但當那個緊張時刻來臨,ㄧ個皮手套的磨擦聲,ㄧ個突來的旋律,主角的開口,就像無聲房中的ㄧ根落針,那些聲音都變的特別突出,讓人看的血脈噴張。



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