[vfx] work notes 1
Comp Use real glow node on key light where the sun hits Don’t key flare, find organic way, use sun as a circle, shoulder as a matte When shoulder blocks sun there is no flare When shoulder moves, sun peaks out and creates flare in the camera Far background always needs to be hazy, so comp needs to fix the far background elements to become hazy and atmospheric Haze is a nuke node Use lift to fix shot black level at the end of comp Match Defocus needs to match Tone needs to match Highlight exposure needs to match All objects look need to match Eye spec needs to match shot brightness When rendering half size, in footage pool, resize back to original first, then link to postage stamp in tree Frame range node first + RSMB node second, for it to not error Add camera shake - use tracking, then create matchmove Muzzle flash Use plus to merge muzzle flash light with scene light When muzzle goes off contrast is higher Muzzle glow is over exposed no detail CHR and BG dark area will be darker, bri...