[vfx] work notes 1
Use real glow node on key light where the sun hits
Don’t key flare, find organic way, use sun as a circle, shoulder as a matte
When shoulder blocks sun there is no flare
When shoulder moves, sun peaks out and creates flare in the camera
Far background always needs to be hazy, so comp needs to fix the far background elements to become hazy and atmospheric
Haze is a nuke node
Use lift to fix shot black level at the end of comp
- Defocus needs to match
- Tone needs to match
- Highlight exposure needs to match
- All objects look need to match
- Eye spec needs to match shot brightness
When rendering half size, in footage pool, resize back to original first, then link to postage stamp in tree
Frame range node first + RSMB node second, for it to not error
Add camera shake - use tracking, then create matchmove
Muzzle flash
- Use plus to merge muzzle flash light with scene light
- When muzzle goes off contrast is higher
- Muzzle glow is over exposed no detail
- CHR and BG dark area will be darker, bright area brighter
- Muzzle will effect CHR and BG
- When muzzle goes off CHR and BG shadow direction changes
Muzzle CHR and BG final cc exposure node
One node comp in the end of tree
- Shadow gamma 0.9
- Mid tones gain 3
- Highlights gain 15
Muzzle flash use emission layer to comp
Nuke multiply node with keys
Can copy 0 and 1 animation keys to other places
Copy animation, paste absolute
Nuke knob
is writing attributes
rotopanint > life > all frames
plate > framehold > F_reGrain > analyze the reel (normally it's the person, next to the CG person)
render motion vector, check raw
shuffle copy > motion channel
vector blur > uv channels > motion
add RSMB for smoother roto of foreground character
Crypto matte - set picker - choose the object mask
OCIO color management
OCIO display
Input colorspace : ACEScg
Display device : ACES
View transform : sRGB
OCIO color space
In : sRGB
Out : ACEScg
Surface shader for reflection plane material
Per light aov / type in name in aov light group / beauty layer : all light groups - check box
Uncheck reference editor is the cleanest way for lighter maya file
Higher sample for noise
Or use denoise
Lighting use selected lights to see its effect
If blood needs spec, then higher spec samples
Final render job - Write a note feature - to tell render farm and others this is a job for final render
Choose Arnold set
right mouse, select set members
Open relationship editor
Arnold > open Arnold renderView
Bottom right is history
Import with no namespace
Choose merge into selected namespace and rename
General editors > namespace editors
Render setup window
Eye is view which render layer to view
Clap board is which layer to send batch render
Edit > keys > bake simulation
Choose : from channel box
Select whole channel box attributes
Arnold to turn off primary visibility
Have to use set
It is in extra attributes
Arnold set default:
Primary visibility is checked
Matte is unchecked
Debug way
Check reference, check the asset, check the source file
press insert to change pivot
before render, set project first, this is same as job in
redshift incandescence
is surface shader
is ambient color
There will be a dummy default blendshape
There needs to be a specific blendshape that fits the characters facials
blendshape is pre-deformed shapes, predetermined animation
sim cloth will be a seperate abc file
use low model to sim cloth, then wrap, for less intersection
can't always delete inside body, when fixing sim cloth intersection, the cloth will shrink inside
sim needs T pose at zero start point to be correct
Supervisor render priority adjustment for everyone to follow:
- Per sequence
- Per frame number
- New ones higher
- Final ones lower
- Less frames higher
- More frames lower
Supervisor review with pictures
Supervisor 2D paint over, retouch the movie still
Before changing, confirm with sup, ask direction, ask which template
review intersection problem
like model, sim, and hair intersection problem
blue background, cg character won't be red tone
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