[vfx] maya and houdini - flicker and motion blur notes
maya vray gobo flicker artifact
maya vray snow flicker
maya high quality fix flicker
houdini motion blur baked (special occasion)
houdini motion blur using timeblend
- vray if secondary bounce is brute force , will have black artifacts in dark areas
- so need to change secondary bounce to light cache to fix black bucket artifact
- so need to change min subdiv from 1 to 4 or 8 to fix black bucket artifact
- the black swimming artifacts are square buckets error
maya vray snow flicker
- color mapping
- subpixel mapping - check
- clamp output - check
- clamp level 20
- clamp max ray intensity - check
- max ray intensity 10
maya high quality fix flicker
- vray high quality is min 4 max 32 threshold 0.05
- vray ultra high quality, if still flickers, is min 8 max 128 threshold 0.01
houdini banners hot spot flicker
- render rop > limits > color limit change from 10 to 5 for less flicker
houdini motion blur baked (special occasion)
- geo time samples 1
- render > sampling > velocity blur on (on the group)
- no time blend node (inside the group)
houdini motion blur using timeblend
- geo time samples 2
- render > sampling > no velocity blur (on the group)
- has time blend node (inside the group)
houdini why use timeblend
- timeblend node for sequential bgeo banners, cfx banners don't need this
- anim and cfx crowd that come in as alembic should have velocity data in them
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