
Showing posts from June, 2022

[vfx] work notes 8

elements body costume body peach fuzz costume peach fuzz facial peach fuzz shot model (muscle) facial shot model  hair reduce peach fuzz spec for less noise can lower peach fuzz shader specular primary amount change from 1 to 0.3 remove eye highlight use light link to remove certain light on eyeball geo notes many repeating windows, should randomize them smoke needs lighting direction big building need small interior lights, small neon interactive lights from surrounding buildings to look big chair cushion needs cfx pros of working from home can work on computer and attend zoom meetings at the same time in the studio, need to book the theatre for daily sessions, and also can't work on the computer at the same time sups can attend meetings with many departments in one day, they don't need to book any theatres change center of mass  fn + delete is insert vray render view zoom in render view > ctrl + click > zoom into render light rig use locator to write info and categoriz...

[life] 打坐時,出現除草機聲怎麼辦 ?

Eckhart Tolle 說 : 不要抗拒任何出現的東西 對於已經出現的東西,不要覺得它不應該出現 (don't demand anything that arises should not arise) 不要被噪音動搖,讓噪音成為打坐的一部分 當你對噪音 (負面能量) 做出「反擊」時,你就會「成為」負面能量 (when you react to toxic energy, you become part of the toxic energy) 唯一能超越它的方法,是透過完全的接納 (the only way you can get beyond it, is by deep acceptance of what is)