
Showing posts from August, 2022

[life] reflect first half 22

cease, flexible, purpose, believe anytime, even unprepared, cease the chance, cease the moment be flexible with rules, rules are just tools to get from a to b less relationship focused, more purpose focused, think side as main, look at Sebastian make the world better, look at Scott 99 percent of the people on the street are not your role model, if you want to see the 1 percent fitness role model, go to a callisthenic park, they won't be randomly walking on the street believe in myself, look at Kelly, anyone new or old can do systems, discipline, boring systems and strategies, over motivation discipline, over motivation boring stuff, over motivation delay gratification flip, adapt when thinking story, flip everything observe fashion on the street and adapt, observe and adapt eggs, cheat eat eggs everyday cheat day re-feed (trajectory up) to break metabolism plateau (trajectory flat) , to keep trajectory going down

[story] movie notes 8

Every shot, whether its radio dialogue, background scenery, prop objects, how the camera moves, or what the season is, all move the story forward. Every shot, is layer by layer taking us somewhere. Kubrik motifs circle shape - in 2001 space odyssey, the circle shape comes out in space ships, interiors, planets, to echo the theme of the circular life and death pattern costume design - flips it, uses white, like innocence, a cane and a hat, of a gentleman, to dress the thugs in a clockwork orange Spielberg motifs use color of the clothes to emphasize a character, like in empire of the sun , when Christian bale is lost, he is the only person wearing red in the crowd Opening titles motif I am Groot - fast forward marvel logo, Groot's head bumps into the screen Better call Saul - tape recorder effect , music abruptly stops Ozark - just a simple o, with 4 symbols and chilling music

[vfx] work notes 9

USD USD is about layering, different from linear alembic pipeline material x  material x is for cross compatibility between vendors maya export, import uncheck preserve reference so the export, imported object won't attach camera reference, for example, or there will be double camera in the scene adjust projection content translation need to adjust the projection camera translation, not the light how to make vray lights not visible in reflection turn effect reflection off on the lights people interacting with none existing cg creatures green clothed man, can hold a dragon plastic head don't act to something empty, any reference is good maya preferences delete or rename preferences, to go back to default maya preferences blue or green screen shots check roto compare final comp to the blue or green screen plate, to check and review the roto misc every shot has a neutral grade reflection attenuation - reflection intensity decreases farther down the contact point rgb yellow is 100...