[vfx] work notes 9
- USD is about layering, different from linear alembic pipeline
material x
- material x is for cross compatibility between vendors
maya export, import uncheck preserve reference
- so the export, imported object won't attach camera reference, for example, or there will be double camera in the scene
adjust projection content translation
- need to adjust the projection camera translation, not the light
how to make vray lights not visible in reflection
- turn effect reflection off on the lights
people interacting with none existing cg creatures
- green clothed man, can hold a dragon plastic head
- don't act to something empty, any reference is good
maya preferences
- delete or rename preferences, to go back to default maya preferences
blue or green screen shots check roto
- compare final comp to the blue or green screen plate, to check and review the roto
- every shot has a neutral grade
- reflection attenuation - reflection intensity decreases farther down the contact point
- rgb yellow is 100 red, 100 green, 0 blue
- iso mask - isolation rgb mask
- persp, top, right, front camera is in maya outliner
- insert image file bug, insert single frame first, then check box, change to image sequence
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