
Showing posts from December, 2021

[vfx] work notes 3

Flicker Expression If you want to generate a curve with random values between 2 and 8 with a (low) frequency of 1 peak every 5 frames this is the formula: (random(1,frame*0.2)*6)+2 (random(seed,frame*frequency)*amplitude)+valueOffset If you want a curve containing random values between 0 and 1. (random(1,frame*1)*1)+0 simplified version : random(1,frame) Break it up rooftop bricks :  break it up, some big, some small, less straight line, slight color variation fx expanding spell :  don't expand like a circle, break it up, more starfish like, more organic fx spell trail dissipation :  use wind to break up the straight line trail walls :  add dirt, add moss, don't be too clean heat haze :  break it up, some small, some big, some have some holes Framehold alembic how to framehold anim/cfx crowd alembic file? asset objects > load options tab > frame parameter default it $FF (frame number by default) clamp it by doing : clamp($FF, 1120, 1251) ie: clamp(val, min...

[life] mindset - bullet points

heal yourself first love life, live better first show value show non needy show pre-selection self amuse let them invest chess game, think reaction try again, revive it she pulls back, you pull back but even better, preemptive, pull back availability first steps, soft close, before hard close give offer, don't chase, take it or leave it need options, for abundance assume attraction, we should______ desensitize anxiety don't chase (unconditional) , screen (conditional) don't validate freely don't pedestal don't please reframe, not will she like me, but will I like her social calibration / raise interest > then intent (text) resolve the underlying issue when it's good, need to pull back, or will get ghosted don't show hurt, show strength, be grateful something happened protect from gossip after sex, be silent strategize, think different options, then act when she comes back, there has to be punishment, ask for something assertive, make something happen, clo...

[movie] inspirations

[visual storytelling] Maid, ep8 ending, Alex hides inside the sofa, this is a visual representation of her feeling, this is visual storytelling. [language] In my movie, every one speaks Taiwanese, revolution to bring back the language. [dilemma] Attack on titan, s3 ep18, a dilemma, a very hard decision, between saving Armin or Ervin, who should Levi save. [possibilities] A short a sweet post, Puffy Kuo can be a good horror leading lady after watching light the night, think future possibilities. [creative writing]  Poem ending with four disagree slogan. [unexpected] Zodiac opening, car goes away, then comes back, this is unexpected, No way home, Tom jumps to save MJ, but green goblin rams into him, then Andrew jumps to save her, this is unexpected, for something unexpected, there has to be A first, then B, two situations.

[life] examples - different mentors - same philosophy

girl : like what you did earlier? (negative text) guy : don't say I didn't do that earlier (this is logical) guy : say this instead, where is the love (this is emotional) girl : wait till you taste me (positive text from girl) guy : that good? (this is screening her) (pull back) girl : I don't like it when I don't get my way (shit test) guy: I would be happy to slap that ass to get the brat out of you girl : sorry, I'm busy guy : I understand that you're busy but if we really wanted to meet up I'm sure we can find a few hours (concrete, not pushover answer) girl : how's it going guy : finished a big set at the gym (show value) guy : finished editing a video for my client (show value) girl : what video guy : how to do a threesome (non judgmental, honest) guy : I showed it to my grandma (humor) guy : southern girl : I think you got the wrong girl guy : *midwestern takeaway 1: misinterpret everything takeaway 2: don't give a shit about her shit, be amus...

[life] list

texting : add feeling in the sentence agree and exaggerate when shit tested (keep the tasers coming) shit test, don't be argumentative texting is lowering my need, upping girls need, flipping frame listen closely, and talk about them flirting is talking about relationships be ready to leave never answer directly, flirt and flip if you think your imperfection is good, it is good she must resist first for her to have something to submit to, don't be scared of being caveman frame date as an adventure categories : dtf, relationship, time waster, dtf don't wishy washy, be straight we frame more, you and I frame less something logical first, then lead to something un-logical, fun or sexual in response I lead, meaning if the interaction is cold, waning, and short. I fix it and persist with non neediness (wait few days between) both have to invest, a waltz, what about you? say it depends, is a pull back after date, after sex, don't text, this is pull , this is letting her inves...

[vfx] houdini

cross paste UI, is a pasting list (can choose from list) lights : top left bar, check object display (turn on lights) layout : forced display override > full geometry (show layout full geo, it is usually wireframe) bottom right corner can toggle manual or automatic mode (manual mode for heavy scenes) transform world space, right click > align handle > world below the chin is very dark like a beard, need to increase diffuse limit (increase bounce) bounce, diffuse limit 1-3 is good, 0 is no bounce, over 3 like 10 is noisy and not good camera focuses on object, is space + g in houdini ( is f in maya) houdini diffuse limit 1 is very noisy, so all the crowd default is diffuse limit 0 noise, 9x9 is hi, can solve it (still need to check where noise is coming from) 5x5 is mid, 1x1 is super fast render add deep, ROP > images > preset : geometry (this is deep) none (this is no deep) use file node to load bgeo

[story] inspirations

do clever editing, arcane ep6, some camera work only animation can do, like put camera in gun barrel and someone sliding down the barrel, then edit with someone firing that gun do clever editing, arcane, the sex scene, and the creation of the blue crystal edited together do child like wonder, curious film do a sadistic villain, taking advantage of everyone, everything (light the night villain) do a very sympathetic character by having the whole world against her (trash mv) do an action film, taiwan needs it do funny skits, ep3, hawkeye is deaf, even though hawkeye can't hear what bishop is saying, when bishop says something, hawkeye then says the same thing ,  this back forth happens a couple times, they are kind of soul mates, this is very cute do funny skits, tracksuit mafia guys are dumb, have no clue what they are doing and saying, and argue with each other do old new mix, species mix, genre mix, fields mix, learn from animals, learn from science, learn from mechanics, bring ev...