[story] inspirations

  • do clever editing, arcane ep6, some camera work only animation can do, like put camera in gun barrel and someone sliding down the barrel, then edit with someone firing that gun
  • do clever editing, arcane, the sex scene, and the creation of the blue crystal edited together
  • do child like wonder, curious film
  • do a sadistic villain, taking advantage of everyone, everything (light the night villain)
  • do a very sympathetic character by having the whole world against her (trash mv)
  • do an action film, taiwan needs it
  • do funny skits, ep3, hawkeye is deaf, even though hawkeye can't hear what bishop is saying, when bishop says something, hawkeye then says the same thing ,  this back forth happens a couple times, they are kind of soul mates, this is very cute
  • do funny skits, tracksuit mafia guys are dumb, have no clue what they are doing and saying, and argue with each other
  • do old new mix, species mix, genre mix, fields mix, learn from animals, learn from science, learn from mechanics, bring everything into film (hunter ep14) (virgil abloh)


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