[movie] inspirations

  • [visual storytelling] Maid, ep8 ending, Alex hides inside the sofa, this is a visual representation of her feeling, this is visual storytelling.
  • [language] In my movie, every one speaks Taiwanese, revolution to bring back the language.
  • [dilemma] Attack on titan, s3 ep18, a dilemma, a very hard decision, between saving Armin or Ervin, who should Levi save.
  • [possibilities] A short a sweet post, Puffy Kuo can be a good horror leading lady after watching light the night, think future possibilities.
  • [creative writing] Poem ending with four disagree slogan.
  • [unexpected] Zodiac opening, car goes away, then comes back, this is unexpected, No way home, Tom jumps to save MJ, but green goblin rams into him, then Andrew jumps to save her, this is unexpected, for something unexpected, there has to be A first, then B, two situations.


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