[life] examples - different mentors - same philosophy

girl : like what you did earlier? (negative text)
guy : don't say I didn't do that earlier (this is logical)
guy : say this instead, where is the love (this is emotional)

girl : wait till you taste me (positive text from girl)
guy : that good? (this is screening her) (pull back)

girl : I don't like it when I don't get my way (shit test)
guy: I would be happy to slap that ass to get the brat out of you

girl : sorry, I'm busy
guy : I understand that you're busy but if we really wanted to meet up I'm sure we can find a few hours (concrete, not pushover answer)

girl : how's it going
guy : finished a big set at the gym (show value)
guy : finished editing a video for my client (show value)

girl : what video
guy : how to do a threesome (non judgmental, honest)
guy : I showed it to my grandma (humor)

guy : southern
girl : I think you got the wrong girl
guy : *midwestern

  • takeaway 1: misinterpret everything
  • takeaway 2: don't give a shit about her shit, be amused by it
  • takeaway 3 : flip the conversation emotionally
  • takeaway 4: don't be argumentative
  • takeaway 5 : don't apologize, but correct what you say
  • takeaway 6: separate action from emotion, wait, let the interaction sit
  • experience 1: answer logically then add emotion or flirt at the end (don't answer in weird emotional language)
  • experience 2 : something normal + something sexy (need to say it together in one sentence, so it gives logical info, so it is also fun, and it is also sexy escalation
  • experience 3 : when angry, do no react, think chess game
  • experience 4 : If you are nice , I can think about taking you here
  • experience 5 : my place is, call you a taxi, call you a uber
  • experience 6 : attraction (sexual) first, then comfort, then seduction (sexual)
  • experience 7 : assume attraction, we should hang out sometime (do not say do you want to hang out sometime, this is putting pressure on her for a yes or no answer)
  • experience 8 : fun compliance test, do the clapping with your feet, make that hand sign with your hand
how to not push for relationship, let her push for it, win you over
  1. even if she is the conservative type, you want her to know that you are dating other people, so she knows you have options, you are the prize, because woman only date up
  2. always push for sex, don't talk about long term relationships, talk about now
  3. a date is a fun filled experience for sex to happen
  4. don't carry baggage over from previous experiences, just be positive and have fun

how to let her invest
  • say : you look a little shy, but actually you are really talkative
  • say : you look a little shy, but actually you take good care of your friends
  • say : you look like you have a lot of ideas, but you never had the chance to do them
  • say : you look like you have a lot of ideas, but everyone just notices your looks

when to call her out
  • I am not down for friendship
  • always always use humor
  • love the enthusiasm, if she is cold
  • thinking very hard there I see, if she takes very long to respond, but give her a couple days

when not to call her out
  • do not call her out if no sex
  • do not call her out if flaking, don't say I don't like that you flaked on me
  • do not call her out when angry or butt hurt
  • do not call her out when you don't even know her that well

how to reply unresponsive
  • re-open (early stage)
  • don't think too hard (build on the past)
  • if your into that sort of thing / don't be shy (takeaway)
  • look, I'm busy too, but I'm sure we could both find a few hours if we both wanted to, this is the last last resort (call out)
  • don't double / give it two to three days / no fear / purpose

only way to master game
  • all the techniques don't matter, until you lose the ability to care about outcome
  • all the techniques don't matter, until you master abundance mindset
  • all the techniques don't matter, until you get rid of the nice guy inside
  • all the techniques don't matter, until you don't want to lock anyone down
  • all the techniques don't matter, until you can learn to be unpredictable
  • all the techniques don't matter, until you can learn to love yourself first
  • all the techniques don' matter, until you can loose that attachment
  • all the techniques don't matter, until you can walk away and move on


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