
Showing posts from 2021

[vfx] work notes 3

Flicker Expression If you want to generate a curve with random values between 2 and 8 with a (low) frequency of 1 peak every 5 frames this is the formula: (random(1,frame*0.2)*6)+2 (random(seed,frame*frequency)*amplitude)+valueOffset If you want a curve containing random values between 0 and 1. (random(1,frame*1)*1)+0 simplified version : random(1,frame) Break it up rooftop bricks :  break it up, some big, some small, less straight line, slight color variation fx expanding spell :  don't expand like a circle, break it up, more starfish like, more organic fx spell trail dissipation :  use wind to break up the straight line trail walls :  add dirt, add moss, don't be too clean heat haze :  break it up, some small, some big, some have some holes Framehold alembic how to framehold anim/cfx crowd alembic file? asset objects > load options tab > frame parameter default it $FF (frame number by default) clamp it by doing : clamp($FF, 1120, 1251) ie: clamp(val, min...

[life] mindset - bullet points

heal yourself first love life, live better first show value show non needy show pre-selection self amuse let them invest chess game, think reaction try again, revive it she pulls back, you pull back but even better, preemptive, pull back availability first steps, soft close, before hard close give offer, don't chase, take it or leave it need options, for abundance assume attraction, we should______ desensitize anxiety don't chase (unconditional) , screen (conditional) don't validate freely don't pedestal don't please reframe, not will she like me, but will I like her social calibration / raise interest > then intent (text) resolve the underlying issue when it's good, need to pull back, or will get ghosted don't show hurt, show strength, be grateful something happened protect from gossip after sex, be silent strategize, think different options, then act when she comes back, there has to be punishment, ask for something assertive, make something happen, clo...

[movie] inspirations

[visual storytelling] Maid, ep8 ending, Alex hides inside the sofa, this is a visual representation of her feeling, this is visual storytelling. [language] In my movie, every one speaks Taiwanese, revolution to bring back the language. [dilemma] Attack on titan, s3 ep18, a dilemma, a very hard decision, between saving Armin or Ervin, who should Levi save. [possibilities] A short a sweet post, Puffy Kuo can be a good horror leading lady after watching light the night, think future possibilities. [creative writing]  Poem ending with four disagree slogan. [unexpected] Zodiac opening, car goes away, then comes back, this is unexpected, No way home, Tom jumps to save MJ, but green goblin rams into him, then Andrew jumps to save her, this is unexpected, for something unexpected, there has to be A first, then B, two situations.

[life] examples - different mentors - same philosophy

girl : like what you did earlier? (negative text) guy : don't say I didn't do that earlier (this is logical) guy : say this instead, where is the love (this is emotional) girl : wait till you taste me (positive text from girl) guy : that good? (this is screening her) (pull back) girl : I don't like it when I don't get my way (shit test) guy: I would be happy to slap that ass to get the brat out of you girl : sorry, I'm busy guy : I understand that you're busy but if we really wanted to meet up I'm sure we can find a few hours (concrete, not pushover answer) girl : how's it going guy : finished a big set at the gym (show value) guy : finished editing a video for my client (show value) girl : what video guy : how to do a threesome (non judgmental, honest) guy : I showed it to my grandma (humor) guy : southern girl : I think you got the wrong girl guy : *midwestern takeaway 1: misinterpret everything takeaway 2: don't give a shit about her shit, be amus...

[life] list

texting : add feeling in the sentence agree and exaggerate when shit tested (keep the tasers coming) shit test, don't be argumentative texting is lowering my need, upping girls need, flipping frame listen closely, and talk about them flirting is talking about relationships be ready to leave never answer directly, flirt and flip if you think your imperfection is good, it is good she must resist first for her to have something to submit to, don't be scared of being caveman frame date as an adventure categories : dtf, relationship, time waster, dtf don't wishy washy, be straight we frame more, you and I frame less something logical first, then lead to something un-logical, fun or sexual in response I lead, meaning if the interaction is cold, waning, and short. I fix it and persist with non neediness (wait few days between) both have to invest, a waltz, what about you? say it depends, is a pull back after date, after sex, don't text, this is pull , this is letting her inves...

[vfx] houdini

cross paste UI, is a pasting list (can choose from list) lights : top left bar, check object display (turn on lights) layout : forced display override > full geometry (show layout full geo, it is usually wireframe) bottom right corner can toggle manual or automatic mode (manual mode for heavy scenes) transform world space, right click > align handle > world below the chin is very dark like a beard, need to increase diffuse limit (increase bounce) bounce, diffuse limit 1-3 is good, 0 is no bounce, over 3 like 10 is noisy and not good camera focuses on object, is space + g in houdini ( is f in maya) houdini diffuse limit 1 is very noisy, so all the crowd default is diffuse limit 0 noise, 9x9 is hi, can solve it (still need to check where noise is coming from) 5x5 is mid, 1x1 is super fast render add deep, ROP > images > preset : geometry (this is deep) none (this is no deep) use file node to load bgeo

[story] inspirations

do clever editing, arcane ep6, some camera work only animation can do, like put camera in gun barrel and someone sliding down the barrel, then edit with someone firing that gun do clever editing, arcane, the sex scene, and the creation of the blue crystal edited together do child like wonder, curious film do a sadistic villain, taking advantage of everyone, everything (light the night villain) do a very sympathetic character by having the whole world against her (trash mv) do an action film, taiwan needs it do funny skits, ep3, hawkeye is deaf, even though hawkeye can't hear what bishop is saying, when bishop says something, hawkeye then says the same thing ,  this back forth happens a couple times, they are kind of soul mates, this is very cute do funny skits, tracksuit mafia guys are dumb, have no clue what they are doing and saying, and argue with each other do old new mix, species mix, genre mix, fields mix, learn from animals, learn from science, learn from mechanics, bring ev...

[vfx] departments

lookdev and texture check assetdev in dmx, banners texture isomask is there dmp integration / mattepaint castle and mountain connection point, paint in some moss and dirt to make the connection line smoother paint icicles and snow connection point replace ground patchy geo with dark lines, with nice snow painting and painted footsteps if there are hand drawn lines, like bricks and tiles on the ground, supervisor needs to review it's perspective, the perspective needs to match with the cg render wireframe fx spells need the spell itself and a shockwave pass firework fx shouldn't be all see-through when fading, the smoke should be thick in some parts and block the back buildings here and there lighting gobo is directional light + cutout planes larger light for more falloff background need light decoration, candles, lamps, or off screen light to be more cinematic putting texture in light might not create gobo, will need IES in the light map, or use actual geo gobo always name the ...

[vfx] linux

search apps linux desktop empty place > press mouse > start typing to search for apps ksysguard (system monitor) windows 10 : task manager linux : ksysguard system monitor (these two can both check running programs) clean network user / clean disk / delete local trash this is not local user, this is network user cd /dd/shows/VERM/user/work.chiang/ find -type f -name '*.vrimg' -delete ls -a (list all files) cd ~/.local/share/Trash/ (needs to be capital T) rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/* konqueror right click > folder properties go go verm is cd /dd/shows/VERM linux apps and commands type rgr - log into other's machine to see their screen type submit_ticket - for pipeline ticket type htop - show cpu usage type nvidia-settings - for dual screen configuration type diskman - disk management webpages grafana - show render farm usage percentage diskard - show disk usage percentage

[vfx] maya and houdini - flicker and motion blur notes

maya vray gobo flicker artifact vray if secondary bounce is brute force , will have black artifacts in dark areas so need to change secondary bounce to light cache to fix black bucket artifact so need to change min subdiv from 1 to 4 or 8 to fix black bucket artifact the black swimming artifacts are square buckets error maya vray snow flicker color mapping subpixel mapping - check clamp output - check clamp level 20 clamp max ray intensity - check max ray intensity 10 maya high quality fix flicker vray high quality is min 4 max 32 threshold 0.05 vray ultra high quality, if still flickers, is min 8 max 128 threshold 0.01 houdini banners hot spot flicker render rop > limits > color limit change from 10 to 5 for less flicker houdini motion blur baked (special occasion) geo time samples 1 render > sampling > velocity blur on (on the group) no time blend node (inside the group) houdini motion blur using timeblend geo time samples 2 render > sampling > no velocity blur (on...

過多的細節,會毀了故事 ( 重新整理 / 刪除精簡版 )

【過多的細節,會毀了故事】 作家 Mooderino 說 : 看懂鐘上的時間,不一定能懂它內部的運作。像一個精密的鐘,好的故事內部運作是隱藏很好的。 很多人只看到作家表面華麗的文句,就會想直接模仿 - 那紫色的農場,那血紅的麥田,那纖細的倒影,那沉淪的火球........ Cormac McCarthy (戈馬克·麥卡錫) 也這樣寫啊,為什麼我不行 ? 這裡少的東西是「意義」。為什麼要形容這些東西 ? 如果只是想讓讀者看到更多細節,那是在浪費時間,這樣寫只會破壞故事的節奏。如果讀者看到最後,發現這些細節對故事進展沒有任何幫助,只會讓他們看的一頭霧水。 故事不只要有「意義」,那個「意義」必須是要有意思的。 舉例來說,媽媽和小孩發生了車禍。小孩安全的飛出車外,當小孩回到車禍現場時,看到了凹陷的車身,熊熊的烈火,烏煙袅袅升空,媽媽的臉扭曲變形,空氣瀰漫著恐怖的氣息。 故事很恐怖,很值得把細節寫清楚吧 ? 其實不然。這段文字只是形容小孩的「一段遭遇」。那又怎樣 ? 換個寫法,同樣的場景,媽媽還活著,但小孩看到媽媽扭曲變形的臉後,不知道為什麼心裡只有噁心的感覺,根本不敢靠近,最後就沒有把媽媽救出來。這個遭遇給小孩留下巨大的陰影。這段戲現在就變得有意義多了。 所以,創作者必須了解每一場戲背後的意義是什麼。剃除對故事沒有意義的細節,留下把故事說好的細節。 當你知道這場戲的重點是 「小孩對媽媽車禍後扭曲變形的臉的恐懼」時,你就知道該寫哪些細節 (如果是電影就知道該拍那些鏡頭)。車子的損毀有多嚴重,火的顏色是什麼,煙的形狀長怎樣,都不會幫助這個故事,所以別浪費筆墨 (鏡頭) 形容這些東西。 最後再舉一個例子,鉅細靡遺的形容一個火燒屋的火勢,去反映受困者的恐懼是多餘的。我們都知道火很恐怖,花時間寫它,不會把故事說的更清楚,只會讓節奏變更慢。但是如果鉅細靡遺的形容那個火燒屋的火勢,越燒越旺,是因為困在裡面的人,一直把自己的家俱往火裡丟,讓火越燒越旺,這個故事就有意義多了。因為那不是預料中的事,會讓我們更想一探究竟。 所以,對故事有意義的細節,請好好保留,對故事沒有意義的細節,請用力刪除。 原文:

用不老套的方式擁抱老套劇情 (重新整理版)

用不老套的方式擁抱老套劇情 Embracing Cliché (by not being cliché) 創作除了才華以外,不會有任何新的東西 - 契訶夫 There is nothing new in art except talent – Anton Chekhov 編劇 Brian McDonald 說 : 教故事結構那麼多年,最常碰到的反對聲音是 :「生命不是那樣的。」有一次去聽作家 Sherman Alexie 的演講,他說他不相信三幕劇,也不相信快樂的結局。他說那只是好萊塢的公式。 接著他開始說他自己的故事。他小時候常生病,所以很常看書,長大後,上解剖課時很常昏倒,所以就決定不上了。他因此空出了一堂課,於是他就選了寫作課。他漸漸發現很多人喜歡他的文章,最後就決定當職業作家了。這是他成為作家的勵志故事。演講開始時,他說他不相信三幕劇,但他自己的人生故事,不就是三幕劇嗎?不就是好萊塢式的快樂結局嗎? 另外一種反對聲音是:「故事結構只會讓故事變的更老套。」劇作大師 Anton Chekhov 說 : 「作家不能在第一幕讓一把槍出現,然候在第三幕時不用它。」這是故事結構最基本的道理。 電影大師 Billy Wilder 也說:「如果你第三幕有問題,其實你第一幕就有問題了。」 兩位大師都這樣說了,但還是會有很多人邊翻白眼邊說:「我了解故事結構的道理啊 ! 故事開頭出現了一把槍 ! 這把槍結尾一定會再出現啊 ! 這太老套了啦 ! 太好猜 (predictable)了啦!」 這些想要避掉老套劇情的人,會追求故事的隨機性 (randomness),因為隨機的故事不好猜 (unpredictable)。在教了一屆又一屆想要「不一樣」的學生後我發現:他們「不一樣」 的方式「都一樣」。 他們的故事中,男孩都追不到女孩、角色都很怪異、主角都會死、故事都沒有快樂的結局。很諷刺的,這些所謂的前衛派 (avant-garde) 為了避掉老套劇情,都寫出了「一樣」 的劇情。 Hitchcock (希區考克) 在他的電影 North by Northwest《北西北》也曾想過要避掉老套劇情,但他用了不一樣的方法。有一場戲,Cary Grant 飾演的男主角,在一片一望無際的麥園下被開飛機的壞人追殺。Peter Bogdanovich 在 1963 年的訪談中問希區考克 : 「這段飛機殺人...

如何把「爭議性議題」拍成電影 (重新整理版)

第一點: 為何觀眾要在乎你的觀點? 大部分想看爭議性電影的觀眾,對這些議題都已經有相當程度的投入了,不管是墮胎、同性戀、戰爭、或是新移民,他們都思考過社會、政府該往哪些方向走。這些觀眾的心都已定。 他們想要的是,被聽見,而不是去聽創作者的觀點。 他們想看的是,強化他們主張的電影。 那,在這群觀眾中,一個創作者能提出什麼建設性的觀點? 然後,觀眾又為什麼要在乎? 答案是,不是要用論點、不是用主題、也不是用創作者立場,去吸引觀眾入場。而是要用故事 - 主題被述說的方式 - 去吸引觀眾。 如果你的電影在講一個女人突然發現她懷孕了,她開始緊張,生活開始失衡。這樣的故事,或許裡面有些衝突和戲劇性,但是,故事本身是不吸引人的。 如果你的電影在講一個女人突然發現她懷孕了,然後她發現她先生是個殺人魔,這樣的故事,或許刺激了些。但是,故事本身沒有重點。 如果你的電影在講一個女人,為了要逼她男友結婚,「假裝」懷孕,但她後來又反悔了,不想結婚了,於是「假裝」去醫院做個「假墮胎」手術,誤打誤撞,變成了「支持墮胎」的公眾人物。女主角從「假懷孕」,到「假墮胎」,最後變成「假名人」 , 這時,墮胎主題,就從一個籠統的主題,變成了這個主角專屬的「兩難處境」。 上述三個故事,都有自己的發揮空間,也都各自有觀眾群。但,這裡的重點是 , 觀眾會選擇看一部電影,絕大部份,是因為主角的「兩難處境」跟自己有共鳴。 第二點,你的論點,是不是已經被講爛了? 當你在拍爭議性議題、或任何形式的電影時,記得,這些電影的議題,都已經存在社會上很久了,也被千百個故事包裝過了,也就是說,這些議題的 - 好處、壞處 - 也都被分析到爛了。但,如果你被交付要拍一部戰爭片,你要如何拍,才不會讓人覺得是陳腔爛調。這時,不是要假裝戰爭片裡講的主題不是陳腔爛調,它是。這時,是要用技巧找出新的方法,讓觀眾重新認識這些主題。 這裡所謂的技巧,就是指「故事」 , 大部分觀眾在意的是,故事想問的問題,而不是主題想問的問題, 如果你要講一個戰爭是好的故事 - 一個小兵為了逃兵,不惜幹掉長官,假裝成長官逃兵,然後,被敵軍抓到,被關到敵軍俘虜營裡,還被自己同袍當領袖,最後,在戰爭中找到自己的故事 - 這個故事,可以探索戰爭的各個層面,但它更是這個小兵的「個人旅程」,一個沒準備好,就被推向內在、與外在戰場的故事,也因為有這個故事,才能讓觀眾對這個...

[vfx] work notes 2

Use actual shot cam to review and iterate look dev and environment updates. Brick should break like brick, glass should break like glass, wood should break like wood. If there is a neutral grade on the plate, there needs to be a neutral grade on the cg spheres. Send email to team for shot grouping, for other department clarification, and to let others post problems. Crowd needs to have offset for each shot, not keep on looping same action for each shot. Ask how was the farm last night. Review environment and character spec map, and diffuse map, one by one. When update is broken, important way to debug is revert back to old look dev. Sometimes environment needs to be one-off, for example mountain geo, it needs to work for this angle, but it might not work for other angles. When matching plate and CG, think red, green, or blue, which side is it closer to. Goals of the week. Clothes need to drape, not have wind in them, for example coat tails shouldn't fly up by itself when the charac...

[story] three ideas 2

(not perfect) character (create empathy) (because in real life, no one is perfect, super beautiful woman is a young divorced bullied mother)  - (crazy / fantastical / what is the metaphor) setting - conflict (self problem) - (big) stake - goal (inner/outer) - theme (why write) - audience (who are you making it for, making it for taiwan audience) - something only Taiwan can make - what if (how to think)  - the voice is honest, the voice is your voice messy is ok, just do it exercise everyday , move your body write everyday , exercise your mind cook everyday, do something new The main character is a villain, he owns a sexual massage club. He kidnaps a lot of people, his goal is to trick his high school sweetheart to join the sex club, he finds out in the end, there is no the one. A smart ape and a broken robot human are friends, they are trying to find the robot fixer, they need to steal robot parts from the poor to find the robot fixer. On kung fu island, drinking makes t...

[movie] notes 5

succession give the audience more info, let the audience be ahead of all the characters so when one character is lying to another, we know what he is thinking, can read between the lines we know what kendall did kendall's brother and sister don't know what he did so audience know more than the brother and sister so when kendall interacts with his brother and sister, the audience is ahead of the game halt and catch fire / ghost protocol / the two towers / naked director / attack on titan / argo something unexpected happens, the bomb doesn't go off as planned some new obstacle comes up, helm's deep wall is broken some new conflict comes up, director runs out of money, his money is stolen some new competition arises, someone copies their giant computer invention some new loss happens, different ways to lose the battle, like the new titan armor shield, like the woman titan eating eren and escapes some odds just get worse and worse, project gets pulled, president disapproves...

[story] ten ideas 1

world building can go any direction : mind / subconscious / cross galaxy / past / future a play inside a play inside a play, under the basement of the play stage sick, cruel, sadistic villain that is very driven and optimistic sword of power, gauntlet of un-power, axe of speed, the spear of slow the expert killing goblin has his own struggles, he has no friends, he is lonely only I can see you, others can't see you, but others can smell you, I can't smell you establishing shot of a temple, establishing shot of a cell, establishing shot inside a pipe out of this world, all long right armed people world, small left arm people speaking gibberish, lingo, rapping phap, pupping gold, on a silver toilet ticking clock story, an asian man loses his sexiness, every 5 minutes


James Altucher 說 : 想點子,跟舉啞鈴很像,舉自己無法負荷的重量,才會變強。 ---------------------------------------------- 一 ,那要如何開始訓練自己「想點子」的肌肉哪 ? 讀一本書、或看一部電影後,請寫下 10 個點子。 ---------------------------------------------- 二,為什麼是 10 個點子 ? 因為想 4 個、5 個點子很簡單,但想到第 6 個時,你頭就會開始痛了。這跟舉啞鈴一樣,最重要的幾下,就是肌肉開始痛以後的那幾下。想點子也是一樣,你必須要忍痛,把第 6、7、8、9、10 下一口氣想完,你才會進步。 ---------------------------------------------- 三,如果想不出 10 個點子怎麼辦 ?   「那就想 20 個點子。」 蛤 ? 我連 10 個點子都想不出來了,你還要我想 20 個點子 ?   這就是你的問題了,你給自己太多壓力了,「完美主義」是「想點子」的敵人。完美主義是你的腦袋在保護你,避免你被羞辱的機制,但它同時也在害你。 你有時必須把腦袋關掉,最好的好方法就是,想 20 個「爛點子」。 ---------------------------------------------- 四,要如何分辨「好點子」與「爛點子」 ? 「不用分辨。」 不要給自己太多壓力,不可能每個點子都是好點子,就跟不可能每次揮桿都桿桿進洞一樣。 記住,想點子這件事,就只是個練習。 練習的目的不是要,趨近完美,練習的目的是要,養成習慣。 ( Practice doesn’t make perfect. But practice makes permanent. ) ---------------------------------------------- 五,要如何「執行」點子 ? 我把我筆記分成兩欄, 左邊那欄是我的點子, 右邊那欄是我執行點子的「第一步」。 我最喜歡舉的例子是 Richard Branson ( 維珍集團總裁 ) 的故事。他不喜歡某家航空公司的服務,於是就想出一些自己航空公司樣貌的點子,但是一個雜誌出版商,又沒有那麼多錢,要如何開航空公司 ? 他的「第一步」,他打給 Boeing ( 波...


David Hammond 說 : 我今天想講的東西,就是標題字面上的意思。「所有」就是指所有,不管是健康、人際關係、工作、家庭、過去、未來,我們都應該要學習「不要那麼在乎」。 為什麼我這樣說。 「在乎事情」源自於「恐懼」,「恐懼」會讓我們「擔心」,「擔心」是從「這裡」 (上圖) 來的,我們的腦袋只要對事情有一點不確定時,就會產生這種感覺。恐懼的英文拼法 F、E、A、R 就是 False Evidence Appearing Real 的縮寫,也就是把假的信以為真的意思。為什麼對所有事情都不要那麼在乎很重要,因為當你「太過在乎」時,就會永遠「活在恐懼中」 (living out of fear)。 當你「不那麼在乎」時,也就是你能在不確定的狀況下,還能活得很自在 (okay with not knowing) 時,你就會開始從「這裡」(下圖) 過活,你可以叫它是心、靈、或潛意識,不管叫它什麼名字都不重要,重點是你開始透過「信仰」(faith) 過活,「信仰」這個字不能亂用,這裡不是指宗教上的「信仰」,這裡的「信仰」是指你開始意識到,人生有比你腦袋中的感覺更重要的東西 (there is more to life than your mind) ,懂這個道理才能真正開始用「心」過活 (live from your heart)。 勇氣,courage 這個字來自拉丁文的字根 cor,cor 是「心」的意思。自信,confidence 這個字來自拉丁文的字根 fides,fides 是「相信」、「信仰」的意思。相信自己,相信心的感覺,多透過身體,少透過腦袋過生活,因為腦袋基本上就是一個運算恐懼的機器。我們的腦中有一個組織叫 cerebral neocortex (大腦新皮質),大腦新皮質是一個須要不斷收集過去與未來資訊的機器,但是活在過去,或是活在未來中,就是一切痛苦的來源。我們不應讓這些恐懼主宰我們的生活,我們應該學習從勇氣、從心、從信仰出發。現在這個世界需要的是,更多從這裡 (下圖),而不是從這裡 (上圖) 出發的人。 Peace。 影片來源:

Alfred Hitchcock 回答觀眾的問題

  Alfred Hitchcock 說 : 電影創作者在寫「一個人穿過一道門」這樣的句子時,最須要思考的問題是「如何」(how) 。人們常會問 ,你在片場會即興創作嗎 ? 我都會說 : 我絕對不會,因為我喜歡在辦公室即興創作。音樂人在作曲時會把每一個音符 (細節) 寫在樂譜上,建築師在設計房子時會把每一個結構 (細節) 畫在藍圖上,為什麼電影創作人不能這樣? 拍電影的「細節」就是把「文字視覺化」,也就是要把「如何」搞清楚。回到一開始舉的例子 : 這個人是「如何」穿過這一道門的 ? 他是臉頰貼地穿過的 ? 還是跪著穿過的 ? 畫面都完全不一樣。 Alfred Hitchcock 說 : 拍懸疑片的重點是要「給」觀眾資訊,給觀眾「期待感」(anticipation) 跟給觀眾「驚喜」(surprise) 是完全不同的東西。電影中,一個「驚喜」帶來的「震撼」只能維持 10 秒,但「期待感」帶來的「焦慮」卻能維持 1 個小時。以「桌下炸彈理論」為例,兩個人在桌上交談 5 分鐘後,突然桌下的炸彈爆炸了,觀眾會因這個爆炸受到 5 秒鐘左右的衝擊。但我們再看同樣的例子,如果我們先告訴觀眾桌子底下有一顆炸彈,並「給」他們看炸彈的畫面,之後兩人在桌上的 5 分鐘交談,就會變成觀眾的 5 分鐘折磨。 Alfred Hitchcock 說 : 楚浮 (Truffaut) 曾經跟我說過,他從我這裡學到的是,如何把電影拍的更「主觀化」(subjective treatment) 。例如像《後窗》(Rear Window) 這樣的電影,通常第一個鏡頭是一個男人的特寫,第二個鏡頭是他所看到的東西,第三個鏡頭是他看到這個東西的反應,換句話說,攝影機看到的東西,就是角色看到的東西。這三顆鏡頭就是一個完整的三段式架構。通常電影中的車禍戲,觀眾都是從馬路旁的視角觀看,他們完全沒有融入情境中,但在《大巧局》(Family Plot) 中,你完全跟發生車禍的情侶融為一體,你跟他們一起失控,整場戲就是這兩位情侶的臉部特寫,和他們前方看到的路,我在這裡拍的是一種情緒,已經不只是在拍一個視角,這是《後窗》三段式架構的進化版。 影片連結 :

[vfx] work notes 1

Comp Use real glow node on key light where the sun hits Don’t key flare, find organic way, use sun as a circle, shoulder as a matte When shoulder blocks sun there is no flare When shoulder moves, sun peaks out and creates flare in the camera Far background always needs to be hazy, so comp needs to fix the far background elements to become hazy and atmospheric Haze is a nuke node Use lift to fix shot black level at the end of comp Match Defocus needs to match Tone needs to match Highlight exposure needs to match All objects look need to match Eye spec needs to match shot brightness When rendering half size, in footage pool, resize back to original first, then link to postage stamp in tree Frame range node first + RSMB node second, for it to not error Add camera shake - use tracking, then create matchmove Muzzle flash Use plus to merge muzzle flash light with scene light When muzzle goes off contrast is higher Muzzle glow is over exposed no detail CHR and BG dark area will be darker, bri...